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Our terms

A certified inspector logo for the nordic playground institute


The services of the Nordic Playground Institute (NPGI) are carried out under the following terms unless otherwise agreed upon in writing between NLPI and the customer. All information obtained in connection with inspections is to be considered confidential.


NPGI performs work within normal working hours, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, which are weekdays Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. If services are provided outside normal working hours or as urgent tasks, NPGI is entitled to calculate a standard price with a surcharge of 50% on weekdays and 100% on non-weekdays/public holidays, by agreement with the customer.


Agreed expenses for travel, accommodation, and stays abroad in connection with the provision of services will be invoiced separately based on actual costs incurred. Only mileage allowances for driving according to state rates will be invoiced if clearly stated in the order confirmation. The starting point for travel is NPGI's office at Maglemølle 21, 4700 Næstved, Denmark, unless otherwise agreed. Travel time is only invoiced by agreement with the customer. All prices are exclusive of VAT, other taxes, and duties. Invoices are normally issued upon completion of the task. Payment must be made no later than 20 days after the invoice date, unless otherwise agreed. In case of late payment, default interest will be calculated at the Danish National Bank's reference rate from the due date, along with a reminder fee of DKK 150, excluding VAT. NPGI's prices may be adjusted annually on January 1st.


NPGI is liable for damages according to the general rules of Danish law. NLPI is only liable for NPGI's own services. NPGI's liability for claims, regardless of the basis on which a claim is made and regardless of the degree of negligence, is limited to the customer's direct loss and can never exceed 50% of the total amount paid by the customer for the services.


Any dispute between NPGI and the customer shall be governed by Danish law, except for Danish rules of international private law. Disputes shall be settled by the Danish courts with the Court of Næstved as the legal venue. Complaints should be sent via email to info@nlpi.dk and are expected to be resolved within 5 business days.


From the customer, we receive a list including names, addresses, telephone numbers, and contact persons. Based on the geographical location of the sites, an inspection sequence is planned. Approximately 2 business days before the inspection, the contact person is called, and the day and approximate time for the inspector's arrival are agreed upon. Upon arrival at the address, the inspector seeks out the contact person, who is expected to show us the extent and location of the different sites, and note any specific conditions to be elucidated. We inform that the customer is very welcome to call if there are any questions regarding the report sent later. If the manager, safety representative, or others are interested, they are welcome to have a walkthrough after the inspection. Notes and pictures are taken directly in our digital reporting tool. Each individual equipment is photographed and inspected according to the applicable European standard for that particular equipment. If the inspector finds life-threatening deviations, the contact person is approached and informed before leaving the address. It is aimed for the customer to receive the report within 5 working days after the inspection. If the report needs to be adjusted after any deviations are rectified, our inspector will revisit at the full price. Reports cannot be adjusted based on sent photo documentation.


These standard terms are always available on our website.

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