Impartial and independent safety inspection, inspection of activity equipment, consultancy and product certification

The Nordic Playground Institute conducts inspections of all kinds of activity equipment in Europe where ensuring the motorskills development in children is our first priority.


Certifies products and staff

The Nordic Playground Institute was established with the mission of providing the playground industry a means of certifying products and staff in Denmark, as well as placing children's motor skills development on the agenda for playground developers and owners.


The Nordic Playground Institute is currently one of Europe’s leading Institutes in the field of equipment safety, consultancy and certification. We provide impartial services of the highest quality, and we have the means to help companies maintain and develop their brands, values and business operations.

The quality of our service and expertise are guarantied through our shared knowledge, NLPI Educational Programs and experience in the field.

Our certified inspectors are educated in Denmark, with the high quality standards, dictated by the Danish Quality Manifest. So no matter where you work together with Nordic Playground Institute, you are guaranteed the same high level of impartial quality and professionalism.

Certified inspection company

The Nordic Playground Institute’s international network and skilled staff ensure a level of cooperation characterized by a high degree of professionalism, independence and industry-specific knowledge with many years of experience.


Our core services consist of impartial inspections, consultancy and certification of staff and equipment for the playground area. 

The founding Danish company has obtained ISO 9001 certification, as well as an international impartial certification in accordance with ISO/IEC 17020.

The Nordic Playground Institute is independent of all equipment manufacturers in order to be 100% impartial, as the law requires.

The Nordic Playground Institute conducts inspections of all kinds of activity equipment in Europe where ensuring a realistic safety level is our first priority.

  • Equipment inspection

    Write your caption here
  • Independent advisory work

    Write your caption here
  • Focusing on the development of motorskills

    Write your caption here
  • Certified supplier

    Write your caption here


How does the Nordic Playground Institute add value for you?

As an certified inspection body that carries out your annual safety inspections, we create value for you in several different ways. This value can be both direct and indirect and span safety, compliance with legislation and standards, efficiency and a direct financial saving.

By choosing an certified inspection body, you ensure that the inspections are carried out according to the highest safety standards, maximizing the benefits mentioned. Our certification also gives you extra assurance that, as an inspection body, we regularly undergo rigorous evaluations ourselves, to ensure that our skills and reliability are at the level we all want.

Safety and risk minimization

Staff and the public: Regular inspections ensure that tools, equipment and plant are operating safely, protecting both staff and the public from potential danger.

Accident prevention: By identifying risks before they lead to serious accidents, the inspections contribute to an overall higher safety standard.

Compliance with legislation and standards

Compliance with standards: Inspections ensure that your playground operation complies with relevant local, national and international standards and legislation.

Certification and approvals: Maintaining necessary certifications or approvals supports your trust with customers, partners and users.

Innovation and improvement

Feedback for improvement: Inspections often provide valuable feedback that can be used to improve processes, designs and functions in future tool product developments.

Benchmarking: By comparing against industry standards and best practices in the market, you can identify areas for improvement and innovation.

Reputation and customer relations

Improving reputation: By demonstrating a commitment to high standards in safety and quality, you can improve your reputation in the market and among users.

Customer Relationships: Ensuring the reliability of products and services strengthens customer relationships and can lead to repeat business and new customer inquiries through positive recommendations.

Economic value

Extending the life of the equipment: Regular maintenance and inspections can extend the life of plants and tools, which postpones new investments and keeps maintenance costs down.

Optimizing operating costs: Identifying unintended use of tools can lead to changes that reduce operating costs, e.g. through changes to implements or a relocation of implements.

Comitted to quality

To ensure our core services of impartial inspections, consultancy and certification for, among other things, the playground area, all work at the Nordic Playground Institute is based on the following quality policy:


The Institute’s independent and impartial services are: 

Equipment inspections, courses, staff and product certifications of outdoor and indoor activity areas. The overall goal of our quality policy is to strengthen the business by increasing satisfaction, confidence and loyalty among our customers.


The Institute defines quality as the customers’ total experience of our services, including the following:

• We react quickly and professionally to all customer and stakeholder enquiries.

• To the greatest extent possible, we ensure that the services we provide are the optimal solution for the customer every time.

• We deliver on time, in accordance with the agreed standard and always a quality product.   

• We ensure that the organization has the necessary expertise and infrastructure.
• We ensure an active cooperation between leadership, inspectors and engineers.


In a competitive market, customer demands and expectations are constantly evolving and increasing. The company therefore undertakes to regularly update and develop working procedures, approaches and skills. The company sets specific goals that demonstrate the extent to which we live up to our quality policy and objectives. The company undertakes to abide by all relevant statutory and official requirements.



As a construction project manager, we can assist with tenders and drawings, courses, independent consultancy and subsequent equipment inspection. 

Housing Association:

Property managers, operations managers and playground managers may contact us for independent equipment inspection or advice.


Landscape Designer:

New playground drawings are reviewed and pre-approved before being forwarded to your customer.



We provide consultancy, technical drawing reviews and training courses for employees and independent equipment inspection.



Installer courses and consultancy. We can be contacted on all occasions.



We certify equipment all over the EU and the USA in accordance with the applicable national product safety standards.


Private Customer:

As a private playground owner we can assist you withconsultancy and equipment inspection.

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